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Jump to: ---------- Browse by style: - Text - Sans - Script - Display - Picto - Sweet - Name ---------- MVB Aunt Mildred™ MVB Bossa Nova® MVB Bovine™ MVB Cafe Mimi® MVB Calliope® MVB Celestia® Antiqua MVB Chanson d’Amour® MVB Diazo® MVB Dovetail® MVB Embarcadero® MVB Emmascript® MVB Fantabular® MVB Fantabular® Sans MVB Grenadine® MVB Greymantle® MVB Gryphius® MVB Hotsy Totsy® MVB Magnesium® MVB Magnolia® MVB Margin™ MVB Mascot® MVB Peccadillo® MVB Pedestria® MVB Pinecone™ MVB Sacre Bleu® MVB Salis™ MVB Sirenne® MVB Solano Gothic® MVB Solitaire® MVB Verdigris® Pro Sweet® Fancy Script Sweet® Gothic Sweet® Sans Sweet® Square Sweet® Titling No. 11 Sweet® Titling No. 22 Sweet® Titling No. 26 Sweet® Upright Script
MVB Mascot® Rough 2
Designer Mark van Bronkhorst 2012, 2016
Font format OpenType for Mac & Windows
Character set OpenType Basic
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